Awhile ago, I wrote about some of the blogs I read. Wow, a lot has changed since then! My Google Reader has, like, quadrupled in size since I joined 20sb, and I’ve also discovered some great blogs on my own. If you’re looking for something new and interesting to read, here are some of my suggestions:
I’m not big on favorites. I don’t have a favorite book, a favorite song, or a favorite food because simply can’t pick.
Hyperbole and a Half is my favorite blog. You’re probably already reading it, but in case you’re not, here’s its story. It’s written by twenty-something Allie Brosh, who tells crazy stories about her life and illustrates them with goofy Paintbrush drawings. Allie is absolutely hilarious and a fantastic storyteller (and pretty, too), and I kind of want her to be my best friend. She writes about everything from her crazy antics as a child to the adventures of her mentally challenged dog. Two of my favorites are Dogs Don’t Understand Basic Concepts Like Moving and one that’s appropriate for this time of year, The Year Kenny Loggins Ruined Christmas. Allie is writing a book right now that will be published in about a year, and sadly has not been blogging as much. But I can’t wait for the book.
Actually, this is coming out with a book, too! Anyway, you know how in furniture catalogs, the furniture is always arranged in really strange ways? This blog imagines the lives of Gary and Elaine, the people who live in the catalogs. Every day, there’s a picture accompanied by a snarky caption, and it guarantees me at least one laugh per day.
The author of this blog, who calls herself Jorah Day, has a terminal condition. She doesn’t discuss it on the blog because she wants it to be more about her life than her impending death (although if you’re really curious, she did once go into detail about it on 20sb). But that’s not why you should read her blog. You should read it because she’s an absolutely amazing writer. She just has a wonderful way with words and of constructing a narrative. She’s currently going through a difficult breakup and has written about it with a lot of honesty and self-awareness. You know those people who come off as cool precisely because they don’t try to be cool? That’s Jorah.
I’ve already talked a bit about her (if you weren’t following the story, it thankfully ended happily—Derrik and the other two boys were released and have returned to the U.S.). Sweeney is just so funny and interesting and down-to-earth and sometimes falls into gutters in Ghana. I’m always excited when she updates. Plus, right now she’s in grad school in Paris, which has led to some interesting posts about her experiences as an expat.
Last year, Sara won an award for “Blogger I’d Like to Get a Drink With,” and after reading her blog for a bit, you can see why. The girl is hilarious and, yes, does swear a lot. And did I mention she started the Karaoke Ring of Death? There’s a lot of heart mixed in with the humor, though. She recently got married, and she managed to write very poignantly about how happy her marriage has made her without being annoying, which is an accomplishment in itself.
Sara, Sweeney, and three other bloggers write this site, which snarks on all our favorite book series from when we were kids: The Baby-Sitters Club, Sweet Valley High, The Boxcar Children, Goosebumps, etc.
I talked about this site and its founder, Jen Friel, in this post.
I don’t know what it is that makes this blog so good. It could be Kerri’s clear, honest, confident-yet-relatable writing style. It could be the lovely design. It could be all the cute pictures of Kerri’s baby daughter, who was born in August. In any case, it was one of the first 20sb blogs I started reading, and definitely one of the best.
Brandy is a teacher in Canada. She has a lot of funny stories about her students, lots of strong opinions, and a certain “it” factor that makes her blog awesome. She also started The Secret Project, where fellow bloggers send in secrets they’d like to get off their chests and she posts them anonymously.
Jas is a writer, an actress, and occasionally a train. Not to mention hilarious and adorable. She has funny stories about everything from the world’s sketchiest audition to accidentally storming into a Ugandan church holding the clothes she was about to wear for a pin-up photo shoot. She wants to move to LA to help further her acting career, and I read her blog partly in hopes that I can say I knew her back when.
These are just ten of the blogs I’m reading—there are dozens more! So many that I can’t even list them all here. Housekeeping detail: I have updated my blogroll on the right, so check out some of the other blogs there, too!
Thank you so much! And Childhood Trauma thanks you, too!
Reading Sweet Valley High and Goosebumps books is (sadly) one of the things I look forward to most now. Those bitches are CRAY CRAY.
Thank you so much! And Childhood Trauma thanks you, too!
Reading Sweet Valley High and Goosebumps books is (sadly) one of the things I look forward to most now. Those bitches are CRAY CRAY.
Katie it was so nice to meet you tonight. I look forward to reading more of you blog and also checking out some of the ones here you recommend!
Katie it was so nice to meet you tonight. I look forward to reading more of you blog and also checking out some of the ones here you recommend!
Found your card at the Boston Bloggers Event last night and bummed we didn't get to meet! Come check us out and hopefully we can see you again soon!
Found your card at the Boston Bloggers Event last night and bummed we didn't get to meet! Come check us out and hopefully we can see you again soon!
Hey Katie,
It was awesome meeting you last night! Please lets keep in touch — I'm subscribing! <3
(And thank you for sharing all of these blogs! I will definitely check them out. <3)
Hey Katie,
It was awesome meeting you last night! Please lets keep in touch — I'm subscribing! <3
(And thank you for sharing all of these blogs! I will definitely check them out. <3)
thanks for the shout out, cutie pie.
You're pretty cool yourself, without trying to be.
thanks for the shout out, cutie pie.
You're pretty cool yourself, without trying to be.
I tried to post this comment before, but my internet crapped out and I had to restart my computer. ANYWAY. I highly recommend HelloGiggles. I subscribe to a lot of blogs, but there is none that make me smile so much as HG. The girls who run it are prolific in a fantastic way. I just want to be best friends with them!
I tried to post this comment before, but my internet crapped out and I had to restart my computer. ANYWAY. I highly recommend HelloGiggles. I subscribe to a lot of blogs, but there is none that make me smile so much as HG. The girls who run it are prolific in a fantastic way. I just want to be best friends with them!
I tried to post this comment before, but my internet crapped out and I had to restart my computer. ANYWAY. I highly recommend HelloGiggles. I subscribe to a lot of blogs, but there is none that make me smile so much as HG. The girls who run it are prolific in a fantastic way. I just want to be best friends with them!